are the steps for purchasing your hair extensions?
3 simple steps to know are: Shop. Select. Buy
Schedule your appointment to visit our hair studio for your free and private consultation.
2. Email OR Call to place your order OR Shop our Online Collection by clicking here.

Have extensions installed by us OR take extensions to yourstylist/salon to be applied OR be referred to one of our preferred stylists.
For custom orders you can send us a hair sample to be matched or request a free consultation to discuss the best technique, texture and color for your desired hairstyle.
are hair extensions?
Hair extensions are hair additions used as a
quick way to go from short to long or from long hair to really long
hair in minutes. Extensions can add fullness, color and length. There
are several techniques used to apply hair extensions. It helps to
choose stylist that specializes in the technique that you prefer.
We assist our customers with recommendations to reputable stylist
that have experience with our hair.
are hair extensions worn?
Other than the more common reasons, which are for length, volume or
to add some color. Some customers choose extensions for various reasons
such as :when trying to grow theirs, because it is easier to manage,
to achieve a hairstyle, for the highlight effect without highlighting
your natural hair, just got a haircut and cannot handle the new look
etc. One most important reason has to do with the popular saying that
“a woman’s hair is her crown and glory”. The fact
is that most women just feel beautiful, great and confident after
a visit to their stylist for a new hair do, haircut or extensions.
you tell where hair extensions have been applied?
Our 100% Human Hair extensions looks
like your natural hair because it is real. Extensions are undetectable
when applied correctly and if they blend with the texture and colors
of your natural hair. You can schedule an appointment or send us a
sample of your hair or desired color and our specialists will custom
blend your extension to match your natural hair color and texture.
distinguishes our 100% human hair extensions from other hair products?
Pampered Hair Haven is the only company in the
Midwest that manufactures and supplies natural human hair extensions.
Strict quality control is maintained when processing our hair and
we use techniques that enhance the quality and extend the life of
our hair. Apart from the quality, our capacity to blend colors and
textures sets up apart. We are a one of a kind human hair supply shop.
amount of hair do I need for my hairstyle?
This depends on the texture and style; we normally
recommend a minimum of a quarter(1/4) pound or 4 ounces for a partial
weave and half (1/2) a pound or 8 ounces minimum for a full head of
weave. One thing you have to keep in mind is that the longer the length
the more ounces you need to buy.
do the terms "bulk" and "weft" mean?
Bulk hair is hair that is bought loose. It comes
in a bundle, tied at the top and ready to be used for fusion and braiding
techniques. Weft hair is hair extensions held together by a stitched
on weft. This process is done at our shop therefore enabling us to
customize each order. Weft hair is used for sew-on weaves, bonding
and clips-on techniques.
long does your hair last?
Our hair can be reused for as long as you and your stylist decide.
It should last for more than a year with proper care. We provide our
customers with after- care information for each purchase. See “Technique
& Care” page.
your hair extensions be colored?
Yes. Our hair extensions have gone through chemical
processes thereby requiring that you should head to a salon for this
procedure. Do not attempt to color your own hair extensions. Our extensions
can also be highlighted, set and curled just like your own hair.
much does your hair extensions cost?
Our prices start at $70 and up for a 1/4 (quarter)
pound. Prices vary based on texture, color, length, and custom blends.
Based on the uniqueness of orders, we provide our customers with the
prices at the time of an inquiry or order. For guaranteed quality
and longevity, our hair is the best investment.
am interested in getting hair extensions but I am not really sure
about how to go about it. Is there any way to do a consultation?
You can make an appointment for a free consultation
at which time you will learn all there is to know about extending
your hair. We can assist you with choosing the best color, texture
and technique for your desired hairstyle.
you have a source that can apply the extensions?
Certainly, we work with various stylist and salons
that have experience working with our hair extensions. Referring our
customers to our preferred stylist or salons is one of the services
that we provide for our customers.
do I purchase your hair extensions?
You can either come into
our showroom; make your order by phone or email. A representative
is always available to assist you with the process. Due to the custom
nature of our hair extensions we recommend that customers contact
us for pricing. We accept Visa, Master and Discover card. Our
hair extensions orders are processed on a first come first
serve bases. Bulk/loose hair can sometimes be processed the same
day. We advice that hair order that needs to be put on a weft for
weaving, bonding etc. should be placed at least one week in
advance. Appropriate time and care needed to process orders.
recently bought some blonde extensions from you (you helped me get
some blonde extensions in time for an event). I wore them out and
they looked great. I was talking to a hairstylist and she had no idea
I had extensions in until I told her. Thank you”.
Customer, Minnesota
wanted to tell you, the hair is so beautiful! I have received so many
compliments! I forwarded your information to my salon and some others.
I will be in contact soon”.
Thank you,
are awesome!!!! Thank you so much for working with me. P.S I will
text you to let you know how the hairstyle turned out.
Blessings and hugs,
so much! I received my order yesterday and it looks great. I can't
wait to start wearing it!
hair turned out great. It blends in really well; every body loves
it. People at my work just can’t believe how well it blends
“You better believe you have the finest hair in the world. My
customer’s hair is stunning. It is absolutely drop dead gorgeous.
I am just shocked".
“ I just wanted to let you guys know that I had ordered hair
from you for the 1st time based on a couple of referrals. I was very
happy when it arrived had it installed and it came out perfectly.
I gave your information to my stylist who was so impressed she kept
admiring the hair. I am hoping that you all continue to get a lot
of business because we do not want to loose you guys”.
Customer, Ohio
hair looks and feels natural and the highlights of red look good.
I have a hair appointment soon and once it has been woven in my head,
I will be able to let you know more”.
Customer, Bermuda
“I really appreciated you making time to create my wefts today.
It demonstrates your commitment to excellent customer service. I will
not forget this gesture”.
Duluth (Minnesota)
using your hair for braids and reusing it, I tried another hair source
and did not like it and have decided to be repeat customer to your
New York
I recieved my order right on time! Thank you, the color is perfect!
Best regards.
Stylist, Nebraska
I was wondering -- I bought loose hair from you in the past and was
VERY happy with it. I'd love to be able to purchase hair from you
Customer, Minnesota
“ In July I bought the relaxed straight weave (it is fantastic,
no tangles blend beautifully). This time I want to get a full head
weave and I wanted to try the "soft perm" is it possible
to send me a sample because I am not sure of the texture. Thanks”
you for your promptness in sending my order, doing business w/you
is a real pleasure. The wonderful hair and match that I received was
well worth the visit to your shop during my vacation and your match
is a perfect one”.
Customer, Ohio
hair is wonderful. It feels and looks natural and best of all; it
is light on my head. I love it, I love it, I love it, and it looks
good and I get so many compliments on it".
North Carolina
ordered hair from you a few months ago and really loved it. I have
received several compliments. I would like to reorder some more hair.”
have to say I like the different hair textures I have purchased from
you. I like the consistency of the hair and it definitely easy to
work with and the wavy textures wave up very nicely".
like the friendly personal attention I received during my visit to
your showroom. As a hair loss victim, your hair has made a tremendous
difference as it looks and feels just like mine."
Rochester ( Minnesota)
"I have been doing hair extensions for over 8 years, your hair
quality is superior to any I have ever seen or used at my salon".
technically it’s my 3rd order. I am happy with your product
& would like to order again please. Thanks”.
Customer, Bermuda
used to order my hair from a similar industry like yours out of state.
But now I can see all the different options I have and what I am buying.
Not worrying if my order will arrive on time or be the right one.”
“I am so glad that you guys are here. Apart from how my work
looks when I use your hair extensions on my customers, you certainly
make my work easy when it comes to blending the hair color with my
customer’s natural color. I used to buy several bags of packaged
hair trying to achieve the same result”.
am very pleased and find that your hair is much tamer and not as bushy
as my old hair extensions. So far, I'm completely satisfied. I'm prayerful
that I've made a life-time connection with Pampered Hair Haven and
I look forward to doing business with you in the future”.
just wanted to let you know I received the hair today and it looks
wonderful as always. Thank you sooooo very much!!
have purchased hair from you in the past and was very pleased. I am
inquiring as to what the difference was between Human Relaxed and
Human Permed Hair as I would like to make a purchase”.
Customer, Bermuda
did a wonderful job of matching my hair perfectly. I am grateful.
Of course I am anxious to see how this very expensive investment performs
and lasts. It definitely looks like my hair though. I just wanted
to encourage you to keep up the good work and again, thank you.”